Автор: Юрий Авербах, на английском языке.
Today we start education program "Improve your chess now!" All course
will consist of 12 lectures about diffeent problems of the openings,
middlegames and endings. We sincerely hope that this course will
help you to play better. First lecture is about the pawn ending.
Deceptive simplicity -this as a whole is how one can characterize the
pawn endings. Indeed, behinde the apparent simplicity of such
endings even with minimum of pawns, extraordinary depth is often
concealed. Many years ago, when I was a boy, I was fortunated once
to listen a lecture by the great endgame expert Nikolai grigoriev.
It made an unforgetable impression on me. When Grigoriev explained
his pawn studies, moving the pieces on the demonstration board with
his thin artistic fingers, I sensed, rather then understood the
great depth and beauty of chess. And I can only dream that you will
get the same impression from my lecture.
us start from very simple position:
At first glance it seems that Black can defend successfully. If 1.Kc5
then 1...Kc7, while if 1.Kd6 then 1...Kd8. Here we have a case of so
called corresponding squares. Black's c7 corresponds to White's c5,
d8 - d6, c8-d5. We can say, that Black is able to mantain the
correspondence of squares close to the pawn. But what about other
squares ? Let us try retreating the King - say 1.Kd4. Will Black
then be able to find a corresponding square for his King ?
Obviously, Black cannot reply 1... Kc7, as White's King breacks
through to b6 after 2.Kc5. That means black must play either 1...Kd8
or 1...Kb8. But what will happen if we make another waiting move -
2.Kc4 - what then ? It is not hard to hard satisfy oneself that the
balance cannot be preserved in that case. After 2...Kc8 there
follows 3.Kd5! Kd8 4.Kd6 Kc8 5. d7 We have examined here one the
simplest cases of the applications of corresponding squares, the so
called "triangulation". By manoeuvring his King in a triangle (d5,d4
and c4 squares) White succeeds in disturbing the correspondence in
his favour. In order to make two steps forward the white
King takes a step back.
I should like to draw your attention to an interesting feature of pawn
endings: when you play through practical examples, you cannot being
staggered at the number of mistakes which masters and even
grandmasters make in these apparenttly such simple endings.
one example from international practice.
This position occured in a game Yates-Tarkatover, Bad-Homburg, 1927,
Black throught that he would win here - 1.Kb2 Kc4 2.Ka3! b2 but in
replay came unforseen 3.Ka2! K:b4 4.Kb2 withdraw.
Folowing position shows certain characteristic features of the
geometry of the chessboard. It is taken from a game Schlage-Ahues,
Berlin, 1921.
is easy to see that black pawn is undefendable. For Black to save
the game his King must succeed in reaching square c7 the moment
White takes the pawn. Only in this case the draw will be secured. So
the game ended in prosaic way after 1.Ke6 Kc3 2.Kd6 Kd4 3.Kc6 Ke5
4.Kb7 Kd6 5.K:a7 Kc7. and a draw was agreed. The valid question then
arises: could not the white King both move toward the pawn and at
the same time obstruct the progress of Black's King to c7? It turns
out that such combination of tasks can be carried out. By continuing
1.Ke6 Kc3 2.Kd5!, the white King, as it were, shoulders off the
black King. The latter is forced to give way and can no longer get
through in time, for example, 2...Kb4 3.Kc6 Ka5 4.Kb7 Kb5 5.K:a7 Kc6
6.Kb8, and White wins. As you can see, the white King could approach
the enemy pawn by various routes in the same number of moves from
direct route - e7,d7,c7,b7,a7 – till indirect route like -
e6,d5,c6,b7,a7 - and White chooses indirect route. And it is
important that both of them are equal! This is typical for the
geometry of the chessboard.
The same theme is well expressed in the following study by Grigoriev.
White should lose his pawn. The attempt to break through to c7 - does
not prove successful : in the same 5 moves the black king reaches
a6.For instance - 1.Kg4 Kc2 2.Kf5 Kc3 3.Ke6 Kc4 4.Kd6 Kb5 5.Kc7
Ka6.But if this is so, the route of the white King must change: in
reply to the capture of the b6 pawn White must be able to reach b4 -
in this case it will be draw.But moving directly towards the b4
square leads to default: 1.Kg4 Kc2 2.Kf4 Kd3! and the black King
shoulders off the white King. White saves the games by a subtle
maneuver, enabling him to avoid an unpleasant encounter with the
opponent's King: 1.Kc3! Kc2 2.Kf2! Kd3 3.Ke1! Kc4 4.Kd2 Kb5 5.Kc3
K:b6 6.Kb4. Draw.
It is very important to know this "shoulder-charging" mechanism and
ways of avoiding it.
In conclusion we give a couple of position, in which the theme of the
play is King maneuvering with a double aim. Here such maneuvering
comprises the entire strategy of the play. At first - a famous study
of Reti,1921, in which this idea was first expressed in striking
White's King is hopelessly behind the opponent's pawn here, whereas
its black opponent is ready to eliminate the white pawn. At first
sight the task to make draw seems impracticable, but nevertheless..
1.Kg7 For the moment the King does not appear to the threatening
anything, so black has a choice:
a) 1...Kb6 2.Kf6 h4 3.Ke5 (threatening
4.Kf4) 3...h3 4.Kd6 The King has unexpectedly ended up besides the
pawn.4...h2 5.c7 Kb7 6.Kd7, and draw is obvious.
b) 1...h4 2.Kf6 h3 The pawn has escaped, but...3.Ke7 (e6) h2 4.c7 Kb7
5.Kd7 with a draw. Reti's original idea, which later was called
"chasing two birds", made a strong impression in its time and
considerably enriched chess theory.
In conclusion, as a homework, I can give you following study on the
same theme.
Try to solve it.
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